

Opinion article in Lab Manager on Creating an Inclusive Academic Research Culture by Ane Metola Martinez (NJF representative, SU), Claire Lyons (NJF representative, LU), Katharina Herzog (former NJF Chair), Matthew Tata (SNPA), and Natalie von der Lehr

Column “Science not silence” by Claire Lyons and Katharina Herzog, members of the National Junior Faculty in Sweden, about that the science community need to adopt a more positive view on ‘negative’ results (pdf of the article originally published in Curie September 28th, 2021).


Debate article in Tidningen Curie regarding faculty position by NJF former chair Mo Segad together with the Young Academy of Sweden

NJF Recommendations concerning the 2020 Research proposition (signed by former NJF Chair Mo Segad on behalf of NJF)


NJF statement on Plan S (signed by former NJF chair Sara Hägg on behalf of NJF)


NJF letter to Vetenskaspsrådet advocating improvements on the VR Consolidator grant (signed by former NJF chair Sara Hägg on behalf of NJF)

NJF letter to University leadership and Minister for Higher Education and Research with recommendations concerning criteria for Biträdande Lektor position (signed by former NJF chair Sara Hägg on behalf of NJF)


NJF response to the Swedish Research Council Funding Strategy (2016), addressed to VR Medicine and Health.

Joint Article together with Young Academy of Sweden in Uppsala Nya Tidning, July 8th 2016, on the academic Career System.

Debate Article in Svenska Dagbladet, March 17 2016


NJF Open Letter to the Minister for Higher Education and Research, Helene Hellmark Knutsson, advocating for an extension of the meriting period from 4 years to 6 years.

NJF Open Letter to the Research Proposition (Forskningspropositionen)

Debate Article in Curie on Career Uncertainty, June 9th 2015

Debate Article in Curie regarding Career Paths, Sept 14 2015